Still here. Still writing. But I’ve spent the last few years focusing on writing novels, editing them, workshopping them, submitting them, and reading the rejection letters (often with praise but still–no offers). While I attempt to garner up the courage to make some last-ditch efforts to send out the last two books, I’ve resumed writing poetry. There are no submissions to report yet, so no acceptances. But… perhaps soon.
New poem out in Corvid Queen
“Silenced,” based on the Grimm tale “Toads and Diamonds” is up on the delicious magazine Corvid Queen, which publishes feminist works based on myths and fairy tales.
New poem up on Polu Texni
Many thanks to Dawn Albright at Polu Texni for publishing “The Hedge-Witch’s Payment.”
“White as Sorrow, Black as Gone”
My new poem, up at Polu Texni, is based on the Grimm tale “Snow White and Rose Red.”
New speculative poem up on Mithila Review
“Harvest” appears in terrific company, including Holly Walrath, Sonya Taafe, and Anne Carly Abad, on Mithila Review.
Dark Halloweenish poem on Spillwords
“The Making of a Witch” is now up on Spillwords.
Gratitude poem for the end of November
My poem “Glastonbury 2014” is now up on Verse-Virtual, fitting its optional theme of gratitude.
New poem up at Sheila-na-Gig
“West Palm Beach Birds” is up on Sheila-Na-Gig today, along with beautiful poems by Tamara Madison, Alan Walowitz, Jeff Burt and other wonderful writers.
“Sofie’s Cloak” online
“Sofie’s Cloak,” a story for children based on Norwegian lore, is up on Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things. Thanks to editor Brian Lewis for publishing it, and for the charming illustration.
“The Cat Accursed”
“The Cat Accursed” (originally published in Niteblade) is up on Spillways, as part of their leadup to Halloween.