Thrilled to announce that “Ghost Light,” my collection of poems centered on the pandemic and recent events, will soon be published by Alien Buddha Press. Thank you, Red Fochs, for this tremendous opportunity!
New speculative poems accepted for publication
“White as Sorrow, Black as Gone” and “The Hedge-Wife’s Payment” have been accepted by Polu Texni. Thank you, Dawn Albright! The magazine publishes beautiful work.
New poems up on Verse-Virtual
“Love-School” and “Peeling an Orange” are now live on Verse-Virtual. My kids’ poem “Sock Explorers” has been offered a second reprint in the School Magazine of Australia.
Poem on Trouvaille Review
My little poem, “Resurrection,” about my dog Gershwin (based on an actual dream), is now pardon the expression live at Trouvaille Review. A happy coincidence as this is the birthday of my other dog, Ceili.
Recent Acceptances and Publications
I’ve been busy writing and submitting non-speculative poetry during the pandemic. Here’s what’s been newly published:
“Fading to Sepia” – Frost Meadow Review
“sparrow courtship” and “The Amateur Astronomer’s Wedding” – Alien Buddha Gets Rejected (available on Amazon)
These poems have received acceptances:
The Song Is… : “Memorial Day, 5/25/20,” “The Boat,” “The Word”, “After the Dentist….”
Trouvaille Review : “Resurrection”
Alien Buddha Press – garden poems: “Seeds of Love”
Alien Buddha Press – horror collection: “Suicide Forest”
Verse-Virtual: “Love-School,” “Peeling an Orange”
Words about Poetry (from better poets than I am)
One of the good things to come out of the pandemic is the wealth of incredible programs available now on Zoom, Youtube, Facebook Live, and elsewhere. I’ve participated in a number of poetry readings, open mics, yoga classes, meetings with the fellow sopranos in my chorus, meetings (and even a virtual birthday party) with a group of women who are living through the pandemic alone, concerts, Shakespeare’s birthday celebrations, classes in Gaelic-language songs, and Revels sing-alongs, even though the only voices I could hear were mine and the host’s.
At a recent First Tuesday reading, both readers spoke so wonderfully about poetry that I wanted to share their words.
Duane Esposito said that to create poetry is “to follow words till life gets said. It takes a while. It takes a lifetime. “
Ralph Nazareth said that writing poetry was to pay attention although “it is a terrifying thing to pay attention. But it is necessary–to be alive.”
New poems on Verse-Virtual
“Screens” and a reprint of “After” are up with other Pandemic Poems on Verse-Virtual. There are many wonderful poems here, so please check them out.
So here we are, in the limbo-land of quarantine, a strange new world we never thought we’d have to live in. Here’s hoping that your social distancing is going well, with people you can reach out to virtually if not in the flesh. Stay safe. Stay home. Wear your masks. Pretend you’re a crocus in autumn–dig down in the dirt and wait for metaphoric spring to show yourself again. Forget the silly metaphor. Be kind to yourself and be well.
New poem up on Gingerbread House Lit Magazine
“Facing November” is out on the Nov. 30 issue of Gingerbread House Lit Magazine, gorgeously illustrated by Chie Yoshii.
New kids’ book out!
“Magotu and the Leopard,” originally published as a story in Cricket Magazine, has now been issued as a paperback by Library for All, an Australian publisher. It’s available here.