Have a peek!
“Beware of Dragons” on Youtube!
My children’s poem “Beware of Dragons” not only appears in the October, 2019 issue of Touchdown, beautifully illustrated by Jenny Tan, but it also is featured on Youtube being read superbly by Geoffrey McSkimming. He IS a dragon!
Profile up on Aussie Kids’ Poets Blog
As a poet published in Australian children’s magazine Touchdown (a reprint of “Bridges”), I appear in the September installment of Jackie Hosking’s wonderful blog. I appreciate being included even though I’m an American. I love the thought of Australian children, half a world away, reading my work.
New Story up on Mirror Dance
“The Tsaritsa’s Nursemaid,” a quirky horror story based on the folk tale Vasilissa the Brave, featuring Baba Yaga, is up on the Autumn 2019 issue of Mirror Dance. Check out the other wonderful stories and poems in an issue featuring the non-human world.
Children’s Poems Slated for Australian Magazines
“Beware of Dragons” will appear in a forthcoming issue of one of the School Magazines of Australia, as well a reprint of the suite of poems “Bridges.”
Poem Out in “Not One of Us”
My speculative poem “Mourner’s Mirror” is now out in the print zine Not One of Us, issue # 62, edited by John Benson, appearing with works by Mike Allen, S. Brackett Robertson, Jennifer Crow, Alexandra Seidel, Sonya Taaffe, and others.
New kids’ poem out there in the world
“Slugs” has been published in the August 2019 issue of Blastoff, one of the magazines published for schoolchildren in Australia.
Elgin Nomination for The Bone-Joiner
Delighted to announce that THE BONE-JOINER has been nominated for an Elgin Award.
New poem out on Uncanny Magazine
“Wendy, Waiting,” which takes its inspiration from “Peter Pan,” is up now on Uncanny.
Children’s poem out in Highlights
“Night the Artist” is out in the March 19 issue of Highlights for Children. It was purchased in 2009!