Reading at Poe Cottage

Please join me next Saturday, August 11, from 1:30-3:30 at Poe Cottage in the Bronx for a wonderful program on speculative poetry entitled “Poe’s Heirs.” Joining me will be fabulous writers Sara Cleto, Brittany Warman, C.S.E. Cooney and Carlos Hernandez. We’ll start off discussing speculative poetry, then each poet will read samples of their works.  We’ll finish up with a Q&A session plus selling and signing of books.  I’ll have THE BONE-JOINER and EURYDICE SINGS with me, as well as a few copies of Rebecca Buchanan’s DAME EVERGREEN and Other Poems of Myth, Magic & Madness, just out from Sycorax Press, and a few other books that might interest lovers of Poe. 

The program will take place in the educational center adjacent to the cottage.  If you’ve never visited the cottage–it’s beautiful and touching (especially if, like me, you love Edgar A. Poe)–you might want to stop in there first, as it closes at 4:00 and our program ends at 3:30. The cottage opens at 10 and, as it’s small, you don’t need to give yourself more than perhaps an hour to see it.  Admission tothe cottage is $5; $3 for students and seniors.    

Take the train to Kingsbridge Road in The Bronx. Poe Park is right outside the station.

Take the train  4 to Kingsbridge Road in The Bronx. Walk east to Grand Concourse. The cottage is located across the boulevard, on the right.

Use Bronx bus lines #1, #2, #9, #22, #28, #34, and MTA express bus BxM #4 from Manhattan.

NYC Poetry Festival

I’ll be hosting a table for Sycorax Press and Flutter Press, sharing with poet Marianne Szlyk.  Marianne is a professor of English at Montgomery College, an associate poetry editor for Potomac Review, and a member of the DC Poetry Project. She also edits The Song Is…, a blog-zine for poetry and flash fiction inspired by music, especially jazz.  She’s the author of I Dream of Empathy and other books.

Readercon Spec Poetry Reading

On Saturday, July 14, 10: a.m., “Imagination All Compact” will take place in Blue Hills.  I’ll be leading a discussion of speculative poetry followed by readings by Mike Allen, Sara Cleto, Carlos Hernandez, Brittany Warman and myself. 


My new fairy tale for adults, “The King of Harps,” is now up on Mirror Dance’s summer issue, along with  other wonderful things, including poems by Alexandra Seidel and John Sexton.  I love the illustration by Polish artist Edward Okun.

Sycorax Press Web Site is Live

My new small press devoted to fantasy poetry, Sycorax Press, now has a web site.   Slated for publication this summer are two single-poet collections:  DAME EVERGREEN, AND OTHER POEMS OF MYTH, MAGIC & MADNESS by Rebecca Buchanan and THE YEAR OF THE WITCH by Shannon Connor Winward.  I’ll keep everyone posted when they become available.